Bing Deals and Discounts is one of the new features Bingplaces has added in recent months. Bing Offers is like Google My Business Posts; it lets you include a special offer on your Bing local listings.
I’m happy to see Bing paying more attention to local. Hopefully it will pay off in more engagement with the otherwise anemic Bing local profiles. We did some basic tests using Google Analytics utm tracking. Our client was a local business with decent traffic. Bing Offers didn’t drive many visits (but neither do GMB Posts), so I’ll withhold judgement until I can run a test with a business.
The process is quirky. Here is the explanation.
Sign in to Bingplaces and select the location where you want to add the deal or discount. Currently, you have to load these individually; there is no bulk option.
Click the “Offers” link on the lower left side

Bing forces you into predefined offer types. This is great if you have standard “% off” type promos. However, if you want to have a more flexible experience you’ll need to use this trick. To start, use dummy data and follow the pre-defined process. After a few screens you’ll have the opportunity to customize your offer. This post also shows you how to create a standard Bing Deal.
Step 1) Prepare your offer data
- What is the offer
- Write a title for your offer
- What are the details
- What are the limitations
- Valid start / end dates
- URL, if needed. Use a GA utm code for tracking using this format: ?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=bingplaces-offer
Page 1 – Select a “Type of deal”
You enter the info for your deal on the left. The text of the offer and location info is on the right.
> Pick a type. “Discount” is an Offer, and “free” is a Deal. It really doesn’t matter.

Page 2 – Offer details
Pick anything and add dummy data for any required field. Again, it doesn’t matter.

Ignore everything. Look at the text near the bottom: “Having trouble creating accurate deal title? Click here to create your own deal title. It is not at all intuitive, but it lets you customize your offer.

Page 4 – Create a custom offer
> Fill in the offer details.

The finished offer looks like this:

That’s it. Once you run through it you’ll quickly see the nuances and understand how to create exactly the right Bing Offer for your business.
Create a schedule
If you’re going to post on a regular schedule create might want to plan your offers in advanced. We do the same thing with Google My Business. Our process to organize and plan GMB posts works the same for Bing Offers. This makes it easy to delegate this work and manage the quality of your posts. Just create a spreadsheet with all of the details you need; title, start/end dates, and deal link.

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